Saturday, August 11, 2007

Mercer County Prosecutors Office, Are you for real?

You’ve got to be kidding me. That was the only phrase that came to my mind when I heard about the charges against Rider University Dean of Students Dr. Anthony Campbell. He is being charged with fourth-degree hazing in result of the death by alcohol fraternity pledge Gary DeVercelly. This could not only lend him 18 months behind bars but even more importantly – it could ruin his reputation, and along with it his career. Mercer County Prosecutor Joseph Bocchini once again showing the public how much of an incompetent fool he really is. Here is what I don’t get about the whole case:

How can university officials, who know nothing about these frat parties, be held accountable for the actions of other legal adults? (I say legal because I question whether college students can really be considered "adults") If the family of the victim wanted to sue the University for allowing Phi Kappa Tau to remain a sanctioned frat despite their hazing rituals, it would be a valid case. But how can an individual administrator possibly be made accountable for the actions of the students in the frat? Here is a list of people I hold responsible for the death of the victim before Dr. Campbell:

1. The frat brothers who instructed the victim to drink.
2. The other people at the party that watched the victim drink himself to death without taking any action.
3. Friends of the victim for not advising him against consuming that amount of alcohol.
4. The victims parents for not teaching him to drink responsibly.
5. The victim himself for putting himself in the position in that dangerous first place.
6. The police for not breaking up the party when there were underage drinkers.
7. The ambulance for not getting him to the hospital on time.
8. Construction workers repaving route 206 which made the ride more difficult for the ambulance driver
9. The Alcohol industry for glorifying drinking
10. And any people under the age of twenty one who showoff and boost about how much they can drink, thus putting societal pressures on freshman to follow the crowd and drink as much as possible.

I’m not actually saying I blame any of these people; merely I would blame all of them before I blame Dr. Campbell. That’s right, I would blame every frat boy who ever boosted about drinking with phrases like “I got so trashed last night,” or “Wow, did you see how much I drank?” before I blame the Rider Dean of Students. He did not know of the party, did not know of the drinking, did not authorize the hazing, nor did he ignore information pertaining to the party. He did nothing wrong, legally or morally. People are not omniscient and cannot be blamed for something they had no knowledge or control over.

The point is this: Dr. Campbell will win the case because it is groundless - but at what cost to his reputation? Many times merely making public accusations can be just as career ending and life ruining as actually being found guilty. This was a tragic incident and I feel much sympathy for the victim and his family and friends. I understand that authorities are looking for someone to blame but to scapegoat a man who has dedicated 17 years of his life to the students of Rider U. is despicable. Besides blaming Mercer County’s moron of a prosecutor, Joseph Bocchini, I also blame Judge Andrew Smithson. The case should be thrown out. There is no judicial precedent leading anyone to the belief that the county actually has a shot of winning this case. There is no legal evidence, nor is there any possible testimony that could be presented to help the prosecution. Honestly, I’m also upset as a taxpayer. This is a waste of my tax dollars.

This whole incident is tragic, and thanks to the irresponsible leadership of Bocchini and Judge Smithson there is now more then one victim.


1 comment:

Tguar said...

First Alberto Gonzales resigns after my post supporting his removal. Then yesterday Mercer County dropped the charges against Dean Anthony Campbell and Ada Badgley only two weeks after my post explaining why the case would be dropped. I never knew I had so much pull! Maybe my next post should be about the Democrats impeaching the President???

In all seriousness though, if I were Dr. Campbell or Ms. Badgley I would counter-sue the County. Prosecutor Bocchini really muffed this one; and at the expense of two innocent people. If I were in this situation I would use the money gained from a counter-suit (based on personal damages due to a now tarnished reputation) to reimburse all the money spent on court fee's, a lawyer etc. and donate all the extra money to Rider U. That would be an excellent way to break even financially and to also gain some good PR.
